Nike N7 Brand Manager

As Brand Manager for Nike N7 I drove the marketing strategy development, creative direction & execution for the release of the Summer 17 Collection. Pushing ourselves to continually get better and closer to the consumer we pioneered a new way to launch the collection through innovative strategic partnerships. Partnering with digital and physical entities we elevated Native American & Aboriginal athletes which enabled us to expand our reach and engagement across North America. Leading up to and on June 21st — Canada’s National Aboriginal Day — we enabled consumers to move more and inspired the next generation of Native and Aboriginal youth to ‘Dare to Rise’. The collection was inspired by 2 time Stanley Cup Champion Jordan Nolan and his Ojibway First Nations heritage.

How We Did It
  • Leveraged authentic brand influencers to drive brand awareness and energize 
the collection.

  • Celebrated the lead up to and moment by reaching consumers through 
added value activations.

  • Surprised and delighted consumers with unexpected inspiration.

  • Drove energy and traffic to digital and wholesale partners.

Campaign Highlights
  • 2.7M in sales was triple digit growth vs. prior year.

  • Music artist Taboo drove brand awareness during the Champions League Final & One Love Manchester Concert both physically and digitally.

  • Leveraged NHL’s Jordan Nolan’s inspirational ‘Dare to Rise’ story with media to showcase the inspiration and design cues behind the collection.

  • 500 donated Nike Basketballs in 4 distinct locations on First Nations Lands.

  • 400+ aboriginal youth attended Nike N7 basketball clinics.

  • 100% Capacity at Nike N7 First ever Youth Summit held on Squamish First Nations Land.

Skills Leveraged
  • Creative concept development and brand planning with internal stakeholders 
and external partners.

  • Team to Team communication and coalition building between wholesale partners, territory teams, and marketing functions.

  • Talent & athlete on-site management.